About Me

Audiovisual and communications specialist, with over ten years of experience in the European and North-American private and public sector both in creative and entrepreneurial positions.




Having worked with and consulted for many A-Class international competitive Film Festivals around the globe I developed a deep understanding of selection processes and practices.

Film Production

Film Production

If you're on set and the DOP asks for an apple he doesn't feel peckish and if your AD calls for a Martini I wouldn't ask him if he wants it shaken or stirred, with an olive or a lemon twist

Film Sales

Film Sales

After numerous work-in-progress sessions and market sales meetings I can spot potentially marketable films even in their early stages of development.

Film Curator

Film Curator

My interest for the arts and dedication to community building kindled in me the drive to organize many public cultural film-related events aimed at supporting independent cinema.

Proud to have worked with

Fun Fact

Lived in 6 countries and 2 continents

Lived in 6 countries and 2 continents

I’m (a bit) colorblind

I’m (a bit) colorblind

Works selected in over 60 festivals

Works selected in over 60 festivals

Petted over 7685 cats and dogs

Petted over 7685 cats and dogs